Coach's Checklist
Before setting off:
- Check your own BHPA membership to make sure it hasn't expired
- Go through the Coachee checklist with the coachee
- Working radio, able to transmit and receive in the air
On the hill:
- Ask to see the BHPA membership card of your coachees. You are advised to refuse to coach someone who can't present a valid, current card and rating.
- Agree a radio frequency.
- See if coachee can transmit safely in flight. This won't be covered in the school.
- Check colours and make of coachee's glider and harness so you can pick it out when they radio you.
- Agree a task or exercise and a protocol for the coachee giving notice (over the radio) when they are going to execute it.
- Try to have a debrief when you are all on the ground.
- Sign off any tasks completed. Make a note of any partial tasks (e.g. 1 top landing at one site) in your own notes/logs.