Nov Club Night (AGM) Postponed
The Treasurer informed me this morning that, due to work and domestic commitments, he won’t have the accounts ready, nor will he be able to make it to the AGM this Thursday.
There isn’t much point in holding an AGM without accurate accounts; we’re not best placed to make any sensible decisions on next years subscriptions or contributions to the Flying Fund.
With regret I have therefore decided to postpone the AGM until 1 Dec. The existing committee will continue until that date. Whilst this may appear to be the last desperate act by an unpopular dictator clinging to power, may I remind you that all your committee members are unpaid volunteers. If you are unhappy with this decision or find it unacceptable that we can’t meet the AGM deadline then Tony and I will be more than happy, nay delighted, for you to stand against us at the AGM in Dec.
At short notice I asked Pat Dower if he could come a month early but unfortunately he had another commitment, so this month’s club night is cancelled.