COVID-19 Sites Remain Closed
Thank you for respecting and adhering to the site closures we announced on March 24th. In the light of the Government's recent announcements many of you will be looking forward with anticipation to flying again soon.
With regret, and after much soul searching, the DHPC committee has agreed that now is not yet the right time to open our flying sites. We understand how frustrating this will be to members who see others enjoying the countryside.
We do not consider it responsible to fly in the face of CAA guidance, which has not yet been updated in line with Government policy. We also feel it important to respect the wishes of locals and Local Authorities. Sites Officers have been busy talking to landowners and, whilst the majority remain supportive, some have expressed reservations about us participating in a recreational activity whilst the livelihoods (and lives) of others are at risk. Unlike walkers (CRoW) we are a high-profile sport and it just isn’t worth jeopardising our long-term permissions and goodwill for short term gain.
We are constantly monitoring the situation and liaising with the BHPA and other local clubs, and will inform you immediately the situation changes. In the meantime, please don’t give in to temptation. Your continuing self-discipline and respect will preserve our good relationships and reputation with landowners for the long-term benefit of all of us.
We do consider it permissible to ground handle in public places, in line with Government guidance.
Martin Baxter