Published: 8 Dec 2014
Once every couple of years the CSC and Dales Club have run a joint theory day specifically about cross country flying. The next one will be at the end of January. We won't be discussing record breaking distances in foreign lands, but modest to...
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Published: 26 Nov 2014
Annual General Meeting
Thursday 4th December at the Horse
and Farrier in Otley, LS21 1BQ.
Upstairs Function Room.
7.30pm for 8.00pm start.
Come along and find
out what the committee has been doing for you, and have your say on...
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Published: 22 Nov 2014
Leeds/Bradford is proposing additional airspace extending
as far north as Kettlewell. It looks like it will limit Windbank/Hawkswick, Kettlewell, Kilnsey and
Cow Close Fell to 5,500'; but perhaps more significantly will limit XC flights from...
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Published: 4 Nov 2014
Pat Dower is coming to talk about Pilotage.
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Published: 7 Oct 2014
The latest copy is now out and should have been mailed directly to you if you hold a coach or instructor rating. If you've not received it, you can get a copy via the BHPA if you provide your (uptodate) email address - if you feel shy I can...
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Published: 29 Sep 2014
Roll up, roll up, roll up. This month for your delicatation we have the double act of Messrs Baxter and Cleasby. Martin will demonstrate how the club is organised with military efficiency, whilst Ed will cover things further afield...
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Published: 25 Aug 2014
Welcome to the first our virtual winter club nights. The new format for these COVID times.Our first meeting will be Thursday the 3rd September at 7.30pm. Our first presenter will be Flight Lieutenant Ben Ireland Junior Engineering Officer on the Red...
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Published: 19 Aug 2014
This is an early notice of a potential coaching day over the w/e 23/24 August. At the moment the weekend isn't looking too bad, although it's too soon to say which day will be the better of the two.
If you're interested please keep an eye on the...
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Published: 11 Jul 2014
The Pennine Parafest will take place over the weekend of 5 - 7 September 2014 at the Chipping Show Ground. Link.
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Published: 25 May 2014
Please make a note of the following restriced airspace that will be in force on Saturday 5th July and Sunday 6th July.
Download PDF or click on the images below.
Personally, I think you'd be mad to go anywhere near the Dales during the...
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