New members
Joining the club is simple! Submit your membership application form online. You'll be given the club bank details during the application process so you can pay your subscription fee by bank transfer or standing order.
We welcome experienced and recently-qualified pilots alike but, as a BHPA affiliated club, we can only accept BHPA members.
Please take a minute to read our Data Processing Statement. By becoming a member you agree for your personal information to be processed in this way.
Existing members
Sign in to your member page.
Membership benefits
Pilot Coaching
Pilots who have recently qualified, pilots who have had significant time away from flying or any pilot who would like some friendly advice or assistance can register for the Club Coaching events. These are held monthly (weather permitting) and can be used to improve flying skills and give good introductions to Dales' sites. They are also a chance to make contact with other pilots on the hill. Details of these events and how to register can be seen in the Coaching section of the Forum and on the coaching page.
Flying Sites
For all pilots the Dales has some of the best flying sites in the UK. Most sites are large and so not usually busy (12 gliders would be considered a crowd). Take off and landing areas are generally large and free of obstacles although some of the walk ups can be....errrr....challenging! As always, you are encouraged to speak to Club Coaches and/or other pilots before flying any sites you are not familiar with. Keep up to date with site information and statuses in the Sites Guide.
Cross Country Flying
In recent years the number and distance of XCs flown in the Dales has increased. With little airspace to worry about for 30km in most directions it is a great place to fly your first XCs. Check out the XC League pages to see what is possible. And on the odd occasion where the weather doesn't play ball you can always retire to the cafe in Kettlewell for their famous cream tea!
Reciprocal Rights
The Club has a reciprocal rights agreement with all neighbouring clubs (Pennine Soaring Club, North Yorks Sailwing Club, Northumbria Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club, Sir George Cayley Sailwing Club and Cumbria Soaring Club) that allow DHPC members to fly sites (that are not designated members only) in other clubs' areas. The same rights apply to members of these other clubs with regard to DHPC sites.
Events and Meetings
Events and activities in the Club are detailed in the monthly newsletter, on the website and by email to members. Monthly meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month (Sep - Apr) - details are published on our news page. At these meetings there are often talks on relevant subjects and the opportunity to talk about flying or other such weighty topics with other pilots (as well as to enjoy excellent Yorkshire beer). Other events include an annual reserve parachute repack and an annual party to host the farmers.